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Hideki Sasaki
Hideki Sasaki, M.D., Ph.D.

The Heart Institute of Japan, Tokyo Women's Medical University (1995-2005)
University of Texas southwestern medical center (2005-2008)
The Heart Institute of Japan, Tokyo Women's Medical University (2008-2009)
Ehime prefectural central hospital(2009-2019)
Tokyo Womens's Medical University(2019-2022)
Director, Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Nagoya City University East Medical Center(2023-current)
Other Interests
Fontan circulation
cerebral protection
Mitral valve repair
Artificial organ
myocardial protection
Aortic arch surgery
Freestyle Stentless Porcine Aortic Root Bioprosthesis
CABG with in situ arterial grafts
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Vascular