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Juan Contreras Reyes
Juan Roberto Contreras Reyes, MD

MD, General, Cardiac and Congenital Heart Surgeon
Completed a General Surgery residency and Adult Cardiac surgery in Chile.
Joined as Fellowship in 2018 at SKH, Canada.
Currently, Advanced CVS fellowship at TGH
Other Interests
Congenital Diseases
ECLS- Heart transplantation
Valve repair
Additional Educational Information
Universidad De la Frontera School (M.D. 2007)
Universidad De la Frontera, General Surgery Residency (2008-2011)
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Fellowship Cardiovascular Surgery (2013-2014)
University of Toronto, Sick Kids Hospital, CVS Fellowship (2018)
University of Toronto, Sick Kids Hospital, CVS Fellowship, ECLS and Heart transplant (2019)
University of Toronto, Toronto General Hospital, Advanced CVS Fellowship, Heart transplant (2020)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Coronary disease
- Valve disease
- Heart Transplant