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Joseph Zocco
Joseph James Zocco, M.D.

Manhattan College, New York, New York (B.S. 1969)
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Cherry Hill, New Jersey (M.D. 1973)
Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (Chief Resident, Surgery 1977-78)
Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (Fellow, Peripheral Vascular Surgery 1978-79)
Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (Resident, Cardiothoracic Surgery 1979-81)
New England Medical Center, Boston Massachuesetts (Assistant Professor of Surgery 1981-82)
Surgical Associates of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia (1983-84)
Cardiac and Thoracic Surgical Associates, Ltd., Richmond, Virginia (1984-present)
Other Interests
Clinical Experience with the KimRay Greenfield Vena Caval Filter
Critical Comparison of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure with
Effects of Bipolar Electrocoagulation to the Saphenous Vein (Submitted for future publication)
Oxygen Toxicity in Normal and Anoxic Ventilated Perfused Canine Lungs
Hemodynamic and Respiratory Effects of Transvenous Catheter Embolectomy for Massive Embolism
Subclavian Placement of Flow-Directed Thermodilution Catheterization-A Rapid and Safe Technique
Intraluminal Management of Acute Massive Pulmonary Thromboembolism
Oxygen Effects in Normal and Anoxic Ventilated Perfused Lungs
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac