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Kalliopi Athanassiadi
Kalliopi Athanassiadi, M.D.

Athens' Medical School (1982-1989)
Residency,General Hospital of Piraeus & Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, (1990-1998)
Dept of Thoracic Surgery, KH Grosshansdorf, Germany, Fellowship (1998)
Dept of Thoracic Surgery, Hotel Dieu, Montreal, Canada, Fellowship, (1999)
Dept of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Germany, Fellowship, (1999-2000)
Dept of Thoracic Surgery of General Hospital of Piraeus, Consultant (2000-2002)
1st Dept of Thoracic Surgery, General Hospital for Chest Diseases, Consultant (2002-2004)
Dept of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School,Senior Consultant (2005-2007)
Dept of Thoracic Surgery, General Hospital of Piraeus, Senior Consultant (2007-2009)
Dept of Thoracic & Vascular Surgery, Evangelismos General Hospital, Senior Consultant,(2009-today)
Other Interests
Lung transplantation
Surgery of the Mediastinum
ESTS Regent (1999-2004), ESTS Councilor (2003-2007)
Music-piano player and Dancing
Thoracic Surgical Oncology
Aortic Surgery
Tracheal Surgery
Trauma Surgery
Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic