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Klaus D. Diemel
Klaus D. Diemel, M.D., FETCS
Berlin Free University (M.D. 1988)
Berlin National Heart Center Cardiothoracic Research Fellow (1986-1988)
Berlin National Heart Center Cardiothoracic Residency (1988-1992)
Berlin Charité General Surgery and Transplant Resident (1993-1997)
Grosshansdorf Lung Center General Thoracic (1998-2009) Deputy Head of Department (2008-2009)
Hamburg Marienkrankenhaus, General Thoracic Surgery (2009-2012)
Director, Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, Asklepios Klinik Barmbek, Hamburg, Germany
Other Interests
Thoracic Intensive Care
Pediatric Thoracic Surgery
Minimally Invasive Thoracic
Thoracic Oncology
Tracheal Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic