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Pramod Reddy Kandakure
Pramod Reddy Kandakure, FRCS(CTh);FIACS:MCh(CVTS), DNB(CVTS);M.S, DNB(Surg);
National Board of Examination,New Delhi.(DNB-GEN SURGERY-2001)
INHS ASVINI Hospital,Bombay,India(M.S.-2000)
BJ Medical College,Sasson Hospital,Pune.India(M.Ch-2004)
National Board of Examination,New Delhi.(DNB-CVTS-2005)
Cardiac surgeon;CARE Hospital ,Hyderabad,India(2005)
Cardiac surgeon;Apollo Hospital;Hyderabad,India(2005-2007)
Cardiac surgeon;Innova Heart Hospital ;Hyderabad,India(2007-2010)
Birmingham Children's hospital,Birmingham,UK(2011)
Alder Hey NHS Hospital, Liverpool, UK(2011-2012);
Liverpool Heart And Chest Hospital(2012-2016)
University Hospital of South Manchester ,Wythenshaw, UK(2016)
Maxcure/Medicover Hospitals ,Hyderabad(2017-2023)
Other Interests
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Aortic surgery
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
- “Electrocautery Maze in Chronic Atrial Fibrillation-An Early Experience” -----Indian Journal Of Cardiovascular surgery:2005
- Comparison of Isothermic and Conventional Cold Cardioplegia in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery-- -. Indian Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery;2007; 23: 1–4
- Valve Repair in Rheumatic Heart Disease in the Pediatric Age Group----- Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals. 2008;16:129-133
- Use of pericardial monocusp valve in surgery of absent pulmonary valve syndrome- ------Indian Journal Of CardioVascular Surgery. 2008; 24: 167-170
- Offpump Kawashima Operation------ -Annals Of Thoracic Surgery, 2010;90:1372-1374
- Veno-Venous Shunt Assisted Cavopulmonary Anastomosis:----- Annals of Paediatric cardiology. 2010,Vol3(1).
- Sternotomy Approach For Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt:Is It a Safe Option?----- Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, 2010;0:1–5
- Morphosurgical Corelation of outcome in complete DORV-------Interactive Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery Journal; 2006;5:566-569
- An Innovative Technique of arterial switch operation for TGA with single Coronary artery------ Indian Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery; 2006; 22: 165-168
- Outcome of neonatal BT shunt-Technical aspects & post operative management.- --- Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, 2008;16:7-10
- Management of VSD,Pulmonary Atresia,MAPCAS-Challenges and controversies--------Annals of Paediatric cardiology. 2010;vol 3(2)127-135
- Veno-Atrial Shunt Assisted Cavopulmonary Anastomosis – Intraoperative Management Strategies and Outcome---; Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals,2010;18:569-73
- New technique of off pump atrial septostomy for complex congenital cardiac anomalies:-------: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection beyond infancy------ Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals.
- Sternal Traction: simple technique to prevent tamponade or compression of the heart;----- Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals.
- Staphylococcus aureus Pericardial Abscess in an infant: An unknown entity: ------- Indian Journal Of CardioVascular Surgery.
- Single-Stage Correction of Interrupted Aortic Arch in an Adolescent Patient -World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery January 2013: 4: 120-122
- Multiple Ventricular Septal Defects: A new Strategy-Frontiers in Paediatrics;July 2013
- Outcome of a repair oriented strategy for the aortic valve in children: World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2014 Apr;5(2):191-9
- Concomitant repair of congenital heart defect with Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum: Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 2014 22: 212
- Retained pacing lead in mini aortic valve replacement :an unusual complication: Open Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
- Giant coronary artery aneurysm in a middle aged female: Annauls of thoracic surgery
- Giant Bilateral Posterior Mediastinal Liposarcoma Excision: Indian Journal of CardioVascular
Surgery; 2019;35;91-93 - Dextrocardia and CCTGA with Rheumatic TS:unique association Indian Journal of
CardioVascular Surgery - Direct Cannulation in minimally invasive cardiac surgery with limited resources:Annals of Thoracic Surgery;2019
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Thoracic