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Luiz Bento de Souza
Luiz C. Bento de Souza, M.D.

Santa Maria College-1957-Curitiba-Parana-Brasil
Faculdade de Medicina- Univ. Federal Parana-1963
Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia-Cardiothoracic Residency-1964-1965l
Surgical Division-Director-2005-2009
Adib Jatene Foundation- President-2008-2009
Hospital do Cora
Brasilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery-President-1998-1999
Sao Paulo State Society of Cardiology-President- 1986-1987
Other Interests
myocardial revascularization
heart transplantation
aortic aneurisms
family care
assisted circulation
medical education- medical simulation
classical music
congenital heart surgery
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Cardiac