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Luis Botero
Luis M. Botero, M.D.
University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia (BA - 1959)
University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia (MD - 1966)
University of Antioquia Teaching Hospital Internship (1966)
National Public Health System Internship (1966 - 1968)
Providence Hospital Georgetown University Intern. (1968)
University of Virginia-Surgical Research (1969-1970)
University of Virginia-General Surgery Residency (1970-74)
Univ. of Fla.-Fellowship Cardiothoracic Surgery (1974-1976)
Clinical Asst. Professor of Surgery USF (1995 - present)
Attending Cardiothoracic Surgeon ACH/BFMC 1980/present
Other Interests
Carotid/Vascular Surgery
Thoracoscopy VATS Pectus Excavatum Repair
General Thoracic Surgery
Mitral Valve Repair
Ross Procedures/Homografts
Heart Valvular Replacement
Aortic Aneurysms (arch - descending aorta)
Medical/Cardiac Surgery Database
Coronary Revascularization
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Thoracic
- Cardiac