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Lyall Gorenstein
Lyall A. Gorenstein, M.D.
University of Toronto (1977-1979)
University of Toronto Medical School (1979-1983)
University of Toronto General Surgery Residenct (1983-1988)
Research Fellow Ontario Cancer Institute (1988-1989)
MD Anderson Cancer Center Thoracic Oncology Fellow, (89-90)
University of Toronto Cardiothoracic Surgery Resident, (90-92)
Assistant Professor of Surgery New York Presbyterian
Hospital, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,1992-present
Chief Thoracic Surgery Nyack Hospital, 2000-present
Society Thoracic Surgery
Other Interests
lung cancer; multimodality therapy
lung cancer; early diagnosis and treatment
esophageal cancer, Barrett's esophagus
ETS for hyperhidrosis
lung volume reduction surgery
lung transplantation
minimally invasive thoracic surgery ( VATS )
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Thoracic