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Leslie Hamilton
Leslie Hamilton, Mr.

Bridle Path
Queen's University , Belfast MB BCh BaO 1977
Senior Registrar C/T Surgery Leeds , Yorkshire 1985-91
Sen. Reg. Paed. Card. Surg. Gt. Ormond St. London 88-89
1991 - Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of England 1981
Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (C/Th) 1988
Fellow European Board Thoracic and CV Surgery 1998
LLM (Medical Law) University of Northumbria 2008
President Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in GB and I 2008 - 2010
EACTS Council 2009 - 2012
Royal College of Surgeons of England: regional Director for Professional Affairs (Northeast): 2013 -
Retired from clinical practice June 2015
Other Interests
Adult cardiac surgery
Education / Training / Assessment
Databases / Risk Stratification
Medico-legal aspects of medicine
Family : 1 wife , 4 children
Golf (high handicap)
Scuba diving
Sailing (dinghy)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac