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Michael Sinclair
Michael C. Sinclair, M.D.

Lehigh Valley Hosp; Surg Crit Care '04-05
Univ Calif. Sch of Med (SF), M.D. '66
Gorgas Hosp., Ancon, C.Z., intern '66-67
CDC, epidemiologist, '67-69
UCLA-Harbor Med Ctr, gen surg '69-72
Univ Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, faculty surg '72-74
Tufts-New England Med Ctr, cardiothoracic surg, 74=76
Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, Pennsylvania State University
Clinical Professor, DeSales University, Allentown, PA
Resident, Surgical Critical Care, Lehigh Valley Hosp., Allentown, PA, 2004-05
10 missions with Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders
Other Interests
international medicine
trauma/surgical critical care
general thoracic surgery
high altitude medicine
research (33 publications and multiple international presentations)
cardiac surgery in the elderly
adult cardiac surgery
surgical critical care
off-pump myocardial revascularization
cycling, backpacking, mountaineering
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac