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Paul Bannon

Paul Gerard Bannon, Professor

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
410/100 Carillnon Avenue Newtown 2042
Sydney, NSW  2042
+61 2 9188 4044
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Professor Paul Bannon is the Chairman of the Baird Institute for Applied Heart and Lung Surgical Research, a not-for-profit medical research institute established in 2001, to improve the outcomes and better the lives of those undergoing heart and lung surgery.

He is Head of Department, Cardiothoracic Surgery at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney and holds the Chair of Cardiothoracic Surgery and the Bosch Chair of Surgery, University of Sydney. He has performed over 2500 adult cardiac surgical procedures ranging from coronary artery bypass to complex aortic root and arch reconstructions. He is President of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons and is the Society representative to the Cardiac Surgery National Database. He is the Co Chair of the Institute of Academic Surgery at RPAH where he also oversees the robotic surgical program. He heads the National MBS Taskforce Review for Cardiac Surgery and has held various positions in the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Professor Bannon's teaching responsibilities are currently to all years of the Graduate Medical Program at Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. He supervises local and international Doctorate, Masters and Honours students as well as international elective students. He is the Co Editor-in-Chief of The Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery and a Director of the CORE Group for International Collaborative Research. Professor Bannon has published widely in books, journals and conference proceedings on cardiothoracic surgery, basic science and evidence
based medicine.

He has a particular passion for translational research in the areas of congenital aortic and mitral valve disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, biomaterials and biocompatibility, limitation of blood product usage in cardiac surgery, the inflammatory response to bypass and the development of academic surgical careers. He is a current Chief Investigator on NHMRC and NHF grants for biomaterials and
congenital heart disease research as well as a current NHMRC CRE grant on mechanical circulatory support. His role in the CRE is to produce NHMRC Clinical Practice Guidelines and measure their dissemination, adoption and outcomes. He personally oversees more than $500,000 worth of research funding annually. His Department currently runs 16 clinical trials amongst many other laboratory and clinically based projects.

Other Interests

The Baird Institute for Applied Heart and Lung Surgical Research
Supervision of Research and PhD Students
Inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass
Endothelium/endothelial activation

Additional Educational Information

1987 MB BS, University of Sydney, Australia

1992 VIsiting Scientist to the Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Moscow USSR

1998 PhD, University of Sydney / Heart Research Institute, Sydney Australia

1998 Fellow Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Cardiothoracic FRACS)

1998 Visiting Medical Officer, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Australia

1999 Visiting Medical Officer, Strathfield Private Hospital, Australia

1999 Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, Australia

2001 Chairman, The Baird Institute for Applied Heart and Lung Surgical Research

Specialty Editor Heart, Lung and Circulation

Supervisor Advanced Surgical Training

Practice Areas

  • Cardiac
  • Cardiac
  • Coronary disease
  • Valve disease
  • Aorta
  • Professional Affairs
  • Basic science