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Peyman Benharash
Peyman Benharash, M.D.

University of California Los Angeles
10833 Le Conte Avenue, 64-249CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States
1 310 206-6717
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
UCLA Department of Chemistry (B.S., M.S. 1998)
UCLA School of Medicine (M.D. 2002)
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center General Surgery Residency (2002-2008)
UCLA Cardiothoracic Residency (2008-2010)
Associate Professor of Surgery (2010-2023)
Professor of Surgery and Bioengineering (2024-)
Other Interests
Mitral valve disease
Atrial fibrillation
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Artificial Circulation
Simulation in Cardiothoracic training
Cardiac tissue engineering
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Minimally Invasive
- Cardiac
- Coronary disease
- Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
- Endocarditis
- Extracorporeal circulation
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Pericardium
- Great vessels
- Aorta
- Endovascular
- Education
- Professional Affairs
- Basic science