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Piergiorgio Bruno
Piergiorgio Bruno, M.D., Ph.D.

Catholic University of Rome medical school (M.D.)
La Sapienza University of Rome cardiac surgery residency
University of Caen, France Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery departement
University of Modena Cardiothoracic departement Ph.D
Legnano Hospital , Milan Staff surgeon
Catholic university, Rome Staff surgeon
Head minimally invasive and hybrid therapies
Other Interests
Endovascular treatment of aortic pathology
Minimally invasive valvular surgery
Mitral and aortic repair techniques
Transcatheter valves replacement
New Technologies in cardiac surgery
Health care policy
OPCAB surgery
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Minimally Invasive
- Heart failure
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Valve disease
- Great vessels
- Aorta
- Endovascular