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Paul Schneider
Paul Schneider, M.D.

DRK Kliniken Berlin, Department of General and Thoracic Surgery
Berlin 14167
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
University of Nancy (France) (M.D. 1987)
Fellow of the European Board of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (1999)
Professor of Surgery (Charit
Director, Division of Thoracic Surgery, DRK Kliniken Berlin
Director, Lung cancer Center
Other Interests
Sleeve Resections
Chemoembolization of the Lung in Lung Metastases
Research in Isolated Lung Perfusion
Tracheal Surgery in Adults
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
Video-Assisted Surgery (VATS)
Chestwall Resection and Reconstruction
Laser in Lung Surgery
Extended resections in Lung Cancer
Multimodality treatment in Lung Cancer
Practice Areas
- Thoracic