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Robert Binford
Robert S Binford, M.D.

Texas A&M University (B.S. Aero Engr 1983)
Texas A&M University (M.S. Aero Engr 1986)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (M.D. 1992)
Indiana University General Surgery Residency (1992-98)
OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency (1998- 1999)
Medical University of South Carolina Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency (1999-2001)
Other Interests
robotic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery
complex mitral valve repair
aortic valve surgery
arterial conduits
off pump bypass
adult cardiac surgery
mitral valve repairs - artificial chordal repair techniques
flying, golf, and playing guitar
Rankin JS, Alfery DD, Orozco R, Binford RS, Burrichter CA, Brunsting LA III. “Artificial chordal replacement for complex mitral valve repair” In: Hetzer, Rankin, Yankah (eds) Mitral Valve Repair. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 115-130.
Rankin J.S., Binford R.S., Johnston T.S., Matthews J.T., Alfery D.D., McRae A.T., Brunsting L.A. III, “A New Mitral Valve Repair Strategy for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy”, J Heart Valve Disease, 2008;17:642-647.
Brunsting, L.A., Orozco, R.E., Rankin, J.S., Binford, R.S., “Robotic Artificial Chordal Replacement for Repair of Mitral Valve Prolapse,”, Innovations, 2009 Vol 4, pp 229-32.
Brunsting, L.A., Binford, R.S., Braly, K.C., Swan, C.R., “Totally Endoscopic Robot-Assisted Transmyocardial LASER Revascularization”, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 82(8), 2006, pp. 744-6.
Havlik, R.J., Sian, K.U., Wagner, J.D., Binford, R., Broadie, T.A., “Breast Cancer in Poland Syndrome,” Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 104(1):180-2, 1999, July.
Scavo, V.A., Turrentine, M.W., Aufiero, T.X., Sun, K., Binford, R.S., Carlos, G., Brown, J.W., “Mono-cusp Valve and Transannular Patch Reconstruction of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract: an Experimental Study,” ASAIO Journal, 44(5):M480-5, 1998 Sep-Oct.
Bando, K., Sun, K., Binford, R.S., Sharp, T.G., “Determinants of Longer Duration of Endotracheal Intubation after Adult Cardiac Operations.” Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 63(4):1026-33, 1997 April.
Binford, Robert S. Page 5
Bando, K., Turrentine, M.W., Sun, K., Sharp, T.G., Ensing, G.J., Miller, AP., Kesler, K.A., Binford, R.S., Carlos, G.N., Hurwitz, R.A., Caldwell, R.L., Darragh, R.K., Hubbard, J., Cordes, T.M., Girod, D.A., King, H., Brown, J.W., “Surgical Management of Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects - A 20 Year Experience,” Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 110(5), 1995, pp 1543- 1554.
Ward, D.T., Pradham, A.A., Binford, R.S., “Flow Energizer Flight Tests on a Light Twin Aircraft,” AIAA Paper 87-0083, Reno, NV, January, 1987.
Ward, D.T. and Binford, R.S., “Instrumentation of a Light Twin Aircraft for Flow Energizer Flight Tests,” AAA Paper 86-9759, Las Vegas, NV, April, 1986.
Ward, D.T. and Binford, R.S., “Design Parameters for Flow Energizers,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1985, pp. 486-9.
Ward, D.T., Binford, R.S., Von Lavante, E., Paul, B., “Flow Energizers,” NASA-CR-176202, January 1, 1985.
Ward, D.T., and Binford, R.S., “Design Parameters for Flow Energizers, “ AIAA Paper 84-2499, San Diego, CA, November 1984.
Binford, R.S., and Ward, D.T., “A wind tunnel investigation of the effects of flow energizers on the performance of a typical general aviation light twin aircraft,” TEES Report No. TR-8334, March 1984.
Additional Educational Information
M.D. University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas - August, 1988 to June, 1992
M.S. Texas A&M University College Station, Texas - Major: Aerospace Engineering
Thesis: Instrumentation of a Light Twin Aircraft for Flight Test of Flow Energizers August, 1983 to June 1986
B.S. Texas A&M University College Station, Texas - Major: Aerospace Engineering August, 1979 to May, 1983
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Aorta
- Aortic valve disease
- Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
- Cardiac
- Coronary disease
- Endocarditis
- Endovascular
- Critical Care
- Minimally Invasive
- Mitral valve disease
- Pericardium
- Tricuspid valve disease
- Valve disease