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Richard Clark
Richard E. Clark, M.D.
Princeton University (1956),B.S. Chem Eng'g, Honors
Cornell Medical College (1960), MD
University of Virginia (1962), MS
University of Virginia Gen. & CTS Residency (1960-67)
Naval Hospital Bethesda Md(1967-69)
Washington University-Barnes Hospital (1969-1983)
NHLBI NIH Chief Surgery Branch (1983-1990)
Director CV Res Ctr Allegheny Univ Hospital (1990-1996)
Consultant: Medical Devices & Drugs & Publications
Senior Research Scientist Visiting Professor,Oxford,UK
Other Interests
Myocyte recovery
Circulatory Assist Devices
Outcomes analyses
Clinical Trials
Myocardial Preservation
Clinical Databases
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Practice Areas
- Cardiac