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Robert Stewart
Robert D. Stewart, M.D., M.P.H.

Cleveland Clinic Hospitals
9500 Euclid Avenue, M41
Clevleand, OH 44195
United States
1 216-444-9125
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Stanford University (A.B. 1989)
Northwestern Medical School (M.D. 1993)
Beth Israel Deaconess--General Surgery (93-01)
Harvard School of Public Health (MPH 1999)
Northwestern--Thoracic Surgery (01-04)
Children's Memorial--Congentital Fellowship (03-04)
Other Interests
Arrhythmia Surgery for Congentital Heart Disease
Pediatric Heart Transplantation
Neonatal surgery
Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Practice Areas
- Congenital