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Rudy Lackner
Rudy P. Lackner, M.D.
Manhattan College (B.S. 1980)
New York Medical College (M.D. 1985)
Long Island Jewish Med. Ctr. General Surgery (1985-1990)
University of Chicago Cardiothoracic Research Fellow (1990-1991)
University of Chicago Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency (1991-1993)
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Thoracic Transplantation Fellowship (1993-1994)
University of Nebraska- Ass't Prof of Surgery (1994-99)
North Shore-LIJ Health System- Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery(1999-2003)
University of Nebraska-Assoc. Prof of Surgery(2003-
Other Interests
Thoracic Oncology
Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery
Esophageal Surgery
Tracheal Surgery
Malignant and infectious diseases of the pleura
Laser and stent therapy for bronchial disorders
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cancer
- Chest wall
- Diaphragm
- Esophagus
- Professional Affairs
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Thoracic
- Trachea and bronchi