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Robert Vanecko
Robert M. Vanecko, M.D.

Northwestern University
201 E. Huron, Galter Pavilion, # 11-140
Chicago, IL 60611
United States
1 312 695-4630
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Georgetown University (B.S. 1957)
Northwestern University (M.S. 1960)
Northwestern Medical School (M.D. 1961)
Cook County General Surgery Residency (1961-1966)
Cook County Cardiothoracic Surgery Residnecy (1966-1967)
Chief of Surgery Homestead Air Force Base (1967-1969)
Hines VA Hospital Cardiothorcic Srug. Residency (1969-70)
Associate Dean GME Northwetern (1998-2000)
Professor Surgery Northwestern University 1975-
Other Interests
Lung Cancer
Patient Safety
Healthcaare Policy
Practice Areas
- Thoracic