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Shu-Chien Huang
Shu-Chien Huang, M.D.

Attending Surgeon, National Taiwan University Hospital
Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine, National Taiwan University
Other Interests
Neonatal cardiac surgery (HLHS, Ebstein, TGA, Fallot ..etc)
Conegnital tracheal stenosis
Pediatric cardiac surgery
mechanical circulatory support
1. Wei LY, Shih JC, Wu ET, Chen SJ, Chen YS, Huang SC. 2017. Surgical Correction for a Neonate With Ebstein's Anomaly Associated With Tetralogy of Fallot. Ann Thorac Surg 104: e79-e81
2. Huang SC, Wu ET, Chen SJ, Huang CH, Shih JC, Chou HW, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Chen YS. 2017. Surgical Strategy Toward Biventricular Repair for Severe Ebstein Anomaly in Neonates and Infancy. Ann Thorac Surg 104: 917-25
3. Huang SC, Chen YS, Chang CI, Chiu IS. 2016. Outcome of Tricuspid Valve Plasty in Norwood Stage I Operation. Circ J 80: 1362-70
4. Hsu CY, Shih JC, Chen SJ, Wu ET, Lu CW, Chen YS, Huang SC. 2016. Modified Norwood Procedure for Tricuspid Atresia, Transposition of Great Arteries, and Hypoplastic Right Arch With Complete Vascular Ring. Ann Thorac Surg 102: e481-e3
5. Luo WC, Huang SC, Lin YH, Lai HS, Kuo SW, Pan SC, Hsu HH. 2015. Pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension--A single-center experience in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 114: 1197-203
6. Huang SC, Wu ET, Wang CC. 2015. Management of long-segment tracheal stenosis: a continuing surgical challenge. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 47: 153
7. Hsu CY, Wu ET, Chen SJ, Chen YS, Huang SC. 2015. Modified Warden Procedure Using the Concept of Senning Operation: Repair Without Any Patch. Ann Thorac Surg 100: 1917-9
8. Wu ET, Yang MC, Wang CC, Lin MT, Chen SJ, Huang CH, Hwang HK, Chen MR, Huang SC. 2014. Congenital right intermediate bronchial stenosis with carina trifurcation: successful management with slide tracheobronchial plasty. Ann Thorac Surg 98: 357-9
9. Chen JW, Chen YS, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Chou NK, Huang HH, Huang CH, Huang SC. 2014. Risk stratification and outcome of cardiac surgery for patients with body weight <2 ,500g in an Asian center. Circ J 78: 393-8
10. Chang TI, Chen YS, Huang SC. 2014. Intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography to detect chylous leakage sites after congenital heart surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 148: 739-40
11. Wu ET, Wang CC, Lin MT, Huang PM, Chen SJ, Huang CH, Hwang HK, Chen MR, Huang SC. 2013. Concomitant slide tracheoplasty and cardiac operation for congenital tracheal stenosis associated with VACTERL. Ann Thorac Surg 96: 1492-5
12. Lu WY, Huang SC, Chen SJ, Jhuang JY, Chen YC, Wang JK, Wu MH, Chen CA. 2012. Giant congenital left atrial aneurysm in an 11-year-old boy. Circulation 125: 1818-20
13. Huang SC, Wu ET, Wang CC, Chen YS, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Ko WJ, Wang SS. 2012. Eleven years of experience with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for paediatric patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 83: 710-4
14. Huang SC, Wu ET, Wang CC, Chen SJ, Chen YS, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Wang SS. 2012. Surgical management of pulmonary artery sling: trachea diameter and outcomes with or without tracheoplasty. Pediatr Pulmonol 47: 903-8
15. Huang SC, Shih JC, Lin MT, Wu ET. 2011. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome with valvular pulmonary stenosis: successful management with norwood staged reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg 92: 1115-6
16. Huang SC, Chiu IS, Lee ML, Wu CS, Chiu HH, Chang CI, Wu MH, Wang JK. 2011. Coronary artery anatomy in anatomically corrected malposition of the great arteries and their surgical implications. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 39: 705-10
17. Wang CC, Lu CW, Chen CA, Wu ET, Wu MH, Wang SS, Huang SC. 2010. One-stage repair of ventricular septal defect and severe tracheomalacia by aortopexy and posterior tracheal wall stabilization. Ann Thorac Surg 89: 1677-8
18. Huang SC, Wu ET, Wang CC, Chen CA, Chen CY, Chen SJ, Wu MH. 2010. Repair of complex tracheobronchial stenosis with left pulmonary artery sling and bridging bronchus. Ann Thorac Surg 90: 1379-81
19. Chiang LL, Chiu SN, Huang SC, Chen SJ. 2010. Unilateral left lung agenesis with crossed-ectopic right lower lobe combined tricuspid atresia diagnosed by ECG gated computed tomography. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 139: e110-1
20. Sano S, Huang SC, Kasahara S, Yoshizumi K, Kotani Y, Ishino K. 2009. Risk factors for mortality after the norwood procedure using right ventricle to pulmonary artery shunt. Ann Thorac Surg 87: 178-86
21. Huang SC, Ishino K, Kasahara S, Yoshizumi K, Kotani Y, Sano S. 2009. The potential of disproportionate growth of tricuspid valve after decompression of the right ventricle in patients with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septa. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 138: 1160-6
22. Huang SC, Wu ET, Chiu SN, Hwu WL, Wu MH, Wang SS. 2008. Mitral annuloplasty in an infant with Barth syndrome and severe mitral insufficiency: first case report and determination of annular diameter. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 136: 1095-7
23. Huang SC, Wu ET, Chen YS, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Wang SS, Lin FY, Ko WJ. 2008. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation rescue for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pediatric patients. Crit Care Med 36: 1607-13
24. Chen YS, Lin JW, Yu HY, Ko WJ, Jerng JS, Chang WT, Chen WJ, Huang SC, Chi NH, Wang CH, Chen LC, Tsai PR, Wang SS, Hwang JJ, Lin FY. 2008. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with assisted extracorporeal life-support versus conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults with in-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational study and propensity analysis. Lancet 372: 554-61
25. Huang SC, Wu ET, Chi NH, Chiu SN, Huang PM, Chen YS, Lee YC, Ko WJ. 2007. Perioperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for critical pediatric airway surgery. Eur J Pediatr 166: 1129-33
26. Huang SC, Wu ET, Ko WJ, Lai LP, Hsu J, Chang CI, Chiu IS, Wang SS, Wu MH, Lin FY, Chen YS. 2006. Clinical Implication of Blood Levels of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Pediatric Patients on Mechanical Circulatory Support. Ann Thorac Surg 81: 2267-72
27. Huang SC, Yu HY, Ko WJ, Chen YS. 2004. Pressure criterion for placement of distal perfusion catheter to prevent limb ischemia during adult extracorporeal life support. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 128: 776-7
Additional Educational Information
M.D., National Taiwan University College of Medicine 1990-1997
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Trachea and bronchi
- Congenital thoracic
- Congenital
- Adult congenital procedures
- Heart Transplant
- Lung Transplant