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Thomas Christopher
Thomas D. Christopher, M.D.
Suite 500
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (B.A. 1978)
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (M.D. 1982)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Intern, Surgery 1982-83)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Junior Assistant Resident, Surgery 1983-84)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Research Fellow, Surgery 1984-86)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Senior Assistant Resident, Surgery 1986-89)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Chief Resident, Surgery 1989-90)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (Teaching Scholar, Cardiothoracic Surgery 199
Other Interests
Cardiovascular Adaptations to Sudden Strenous Exercise in Normal Subjects
Effects of Chronic Supraventircular Tachycardia onMyocardial Energy Compound Production and Utilizat
Effects of Hypertroply on Subendocardial and Subepicardial Left Ventricular Energy Compound Metaboli
Effect of Exercise Training on Energy Compound Metabolism and Electrical Activity During Global Myoc
Bayesian Analysis of Data From Radionuclide Angiograms for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Hemodynamic Function in Arrhythmias
Accelerated Transmural Gradients of Energy Compound Metabolism Resulting From Left Ventricular Hyper
A Clue to Perforation of an Incarcerated Bochdalek Hernia in a Neonate
The Management of Chest Wall Trauma
Performance Status and Outcome After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Persons Aged 80 to 93 Years
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac