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Thierry Folliguet
Thierry A. Folliguet, M.D., FACS
Medical Doctor Université René Descartes Paris V 1984
General Surgery New York Medical College 1985-1989
Cardiothoracic Residency 1989-1992
Assistant Chef de Clinique , Marie Lannelongue (1992-1994)
American Board Surgery 1995
American Board of CardioThoracic Surgery 1995
Staff Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Institut Mutualiste Montsouri (IMM) (1994-2012)
Director Cardiac Surgery, IMM 2011
Professor of Cardio Thoracic Surgery, University of Lorraine 2012
Director, Division of Cardio Thoracic Surgery and Transplantation CHU Brabois 2012
Director Division of CT surgery University Hospital Henri Mondor 2018
Other Interests
mitral valve repair
robotic surgery
Atrial fibrillation
minimal invasive surgery
Sutureless Valves
Robotic Surgery
Mitral Valve Repair
Additional Educational Information
University of Downstate Brooklyn, NY Cardiothoracic Residency (1989-1992)
St Vincent's hospital General Surgery Residency (1984-1989)
University René Descartes, Cochin Medical school, Paris V, France M.D 1983
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Minimally Invasive
- Robotic
- Coronary disease
- Endocarditis
- Valve disease