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Timothy Jones
Timothy J. Jones, M.D., FRCS(CTh)
Birmingham Children's Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Steelhouse Lane
Birmingham B4 6NH
United Kingdom
44 (0) 121 333 9435
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
The London Hospital Medical College (MB BS 1992)
FRCS (England 1996)
Specialist Registrar (NTN) - West Midlands Cardiothoracic Rotation
Research Fellow in Neuroprotection - Wake Forest University School of Medicine, USA (1998 - 2000)
Intercollegiate Speciality Examination in Cardiothoracic Surgery (2003)
MD (University of London 2005)
National Training Programme, Paediatric Cardiac Surgery (2003 - 2005)
Consultant Congenital Cardiac Surgeon (2005 - )
Other Interests
Neuroprotection during cardiac surgery
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Congenital heart disease
Practice Areas
- Congenital