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Timothy Sakellaridis
Timothy Sakellaridis, MD, MSc, FEBTS

School of Military Medicine, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, GR 1992-1998 (M.D. 1998)
SHO training in 401 General Army Hospital of Athens (1998-1999)
Senior Medical Officer of the Hellenic Army in Bosnia & Herzegovina for SFOR/NATO (07/2000-05/2001)
401 General Army Hosp. of Athens, Gen. Surg. Residency (12/2001-12/2003)
"Sismanoglio" Hosp. of Athens, Gen Surg. Residency (12/2003-03/2005)
"Sotiria" Chest Disease Hosp. of Athens, Gen. Thoracic Surg. Residency (05/2005-05/2007)
"Evaggelismos" Gen. Hosp. of Athens, Adult Cardiac Surg. Residency (05/2007-05/2009)
National Board Examination 06/2009
Chief of Thoracic Surg Department, Military Hosp. of Alexandroupolis (07/2009-08/2010)
Consultant of Thoracic Surg Department, Military Hosp. of Athens (08/2010-11/2013)
Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic Dept, University Hospital of Southampton, UK (12/2013-02/2016)
Consultant of Thoracic Surg Department, Military Hosp. of Athens (02/2016-until now)
Other Interests
Aortic surgery
Stamps collection
Surgery of Trachea
Intesive Unit Care
Cardiac Arrythmias
Valvular Heart Diseases
Surgical Nutrition (Enteral & Total Parenteral Nutrition)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic