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Tiziano Torre
Tiziano Michele Torre, M.D.

Emergency, Baragwanath Hospital, S.A. (1995)
Cardiac Dep.,Tel-ashomer Hospital, Israel (1996)
University of Milan, Italy (M.D. 1996)
Thoracic & Cardiovascular surgery, Policlinico Multimedica, Milan Assistant (1997-2000)
Cardiac Surgery, Cliniche Gavazzeni, Bergamo Resident (2001-2002)
Cardiac Surgery, Policlinico Multimedica, Milan Resident (2002-2004)
Cardiac Surgery, CardioCentroTicino, Lugano, Switzerland Assistant (2004-2005)
Cardiac Surgery, CardioCentroTicino, Lugano, Switzerland Fellow (2005-2019)
Cardiac Surgery, CardioCentro Ticino, Lugano Switzerland Consultant (2019-present)
Other Interests
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Aortic valve sparing operation
Left ventricular reduction surgery
Aortic valve replacement with stentless prostheses
Biventricular device in cardiac surgery
Stem cell therapy research
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Cardiac