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Umberto Benedetto

Umberto Benedetto, MD, PhD, FHEA

Bristol Heart Institute, University of Bristol
Level 7, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Upper Maudlin Street
Bristol  BS2 8HW
United Kingdom
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Current position:
Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Heart Surgeon Bristol Heart Institute, University of Bristol, (2019-present)

Past positions
Senior Lecturer in Adult Cardiac Surgery and Honorary Consultant Heart Surgeon, Bristol Heart Institute, University of Bristol (2016-2019)

Consultant Heart Surgeon Oxford University Hospitals (2015)

Cardiothoracic Senior Fellow Harefield Hospital, London (2013-2014)

Cardiothoracic Fellow Papworth Hospital, Cambridge (2013)

Other Interests

Complex aortic vascular surgery  Aortic Valve Neocuspidization (Ozaki) Aortic Valve Sparing   Complex mitro-aortic endocarditis  Mitral Valve repair Off-pump CABG Multiple Arterial Grafting