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Walter Chitwood, Jr.

Walter Randolph Chitwood, Jr., M.D. FACS, FRCS

ECU Medical Center and East Carolina University
146 East Longmeadow Rd.
Greenville, NC  27858
United States
+1 252 347 1436
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Hampden-Sydney College (B.S. 1968) (DSC [Honorary] - 2005)
University of Virginia School of Medicine (M.D. 1974)
Duke University Medical Center (PGY 1-2, 1974-1976)
Duke University Medical Center (CV Research Fellow, 1976-1978)
Duke University Medical Center (Senior Resident, 1978-1982)
Duke University Medical Center (Chief Resident, 1982-1983)
Duke University Medical Center (Cardiothoracic Teaching Scholar, 1983-1984)
East Carolina University (Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, 1984-2009
East Carolina University (Chairman, Department of Surgery, 1996-2003)
ECU - Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences (CV Diseases) 2003-2015
Fellow - Royal College of Surgeons of England
Hunterian Professorship - RCS England
Founding Director - East Carolina Heart Institute
Emeritus, Chairman - Department of Surgery ECU - Present
Emeritus Professor - Department of Cardiovascular Sciences - ECU
Past President of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Past President of the Heart Valve Society
Past President of the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery

Other Interests

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
History of Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery & Physiology
Mitral Valve Repair and Aortic Root Surgery
Myocardial Preservation and Cardiac Function
Cardiac Videoconferencing and Internet Telecommunications
Antiquarian Bibliophilia, Ham Radio, Photography, Trout Fishing
Surgical Leadership and Education
Robotic and Computer Assisted Cardiac Surgery
Innovation in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery