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Willard Daggett
Willard M. Daggett, M.D.
University of California ( A.B. 1955 )
University of California School of Medicine ( M.D. l958 )
Massachusetts General Hospital Surgical Residency ( 1958 - 1968 )
Resident in Surgery The Childrens Hospital, Boston (1961-l962 )
Investigator, Lab. of CV Physiology, N.I.H., Bethesda, ( 1963 - 1964 )
St. Louis Univ. School of Med., Visiting Instructor in Surgery ( 1965 ) )
Established Investigator, A.H.A. ( 1970 - 1975 )
Professor of Surgery, Emeritus Harvard Medical School 7/1/2000
Senior Surgeon, M.G.H. 7/1/2000
Other Interests
Fly Fishing and Bird Hunting [retired from clinical Practice 7/1/00].
Endoscopic Saphenous Vein Harvest
Intra-Operative Protection of the Myocardium
Surgical Management of Complications of Myocardial Infarction
Post -Infarction Ventricular Septal rupture
Practice Areas
- Cardiac