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Yuji Shiraishi
Yuji Shiraishi, M.D.
Fukujuji Hospital
Section of Chest Surgery,3-1-24 Matsuyama, Kiyose
Tokyo 204-8522
81 42 491 4111
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Tohoku Univ. School of Medicine (M.D.1984)
UCLA CT Surgery Research Fellowship (1994-1995)
Washington Univ. Lung Transplant Fellowship (1995-1996)
National Tokyo Hospital-Chest Surgery (1996-1998)
Fukujuji Hospital-Chest Surgery (1998-2000)
Fukujuji Hospital-Head. Section of Chest Surgery (2000-present)
Other Interests
Lung Transplantation
Surgery for Infectious Lung Diseases
Thoracoscopic Surgery
Lung Cancer Surgery
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
General Thoracic Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic