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Dealing With the Aortic Annulus: Surgical Aortic Annulus Enlargement With a Balloon Catheter
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The treatment of aortic valve disease has evolved, and it is expected that TAVR will be available to most patients in the next few years. However, TAVR with a bioprosthesis will continue to be indicated and used. It is well documented that the use of a small valve, particularly in young patients, presents clinical challenges. During the index operation, consideration must be given to the potential need for future TAVR.
To prevent patient prosthesis mismatch (PPM), aortic annulus enlargement is not widely used, as surgeons are concerned about the complexity of the operation, especially in minimally invasive procedures. This innovation allows for the combination of TAVR and SAVR experiences, offering patients a larger valve at minimal cost. It would be prudent to consider incorporating this technique into our surgical armamentarium.