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Journal and News Scan
The effectivity of Sildenafil for preoperative preconditioning in pediatric heart surgery was tested in a randomized trial. Thirteen children each with low-dose (0.06 mg/kg), high-dose (0.6 mg/kg) or no preconditioning underwent VSD closure. Sildenafil application did not alter myocardial injury, cardiac function, inotropic needs or postoperative course.
The goal of this multicenter survey was to determine the psychological and social impact of incidental pulmonary nodule detection. The primary outcome was nodule specific distress and secondary outcomes included perceived lung cancer risk (with misperception defined as 15% discrepency), quality of communication with clinicians, and psychosocial factors that affect distress. Approximately half of the patients had distress, 24% of which was considered clinically significant. Only 25% of patients accurately estimated their risk of lung cancer, with the majority overestimating the likelihood of cancer. Many (41%) believed that if untreated their nodule would turn into cancer, and a majority (71%) did not know that pulmonary nodules can be benign or indolent tumors. While most physicians discussed nodule size with patients, only a small fraction reviewed the CT scan with the patient and discussed lung cancer risk. Greater than one third of patients stopped smoking when they found out they had a pulmonary nodule.
The FDA is assuming regulatory control over e-cigarettes. Sales of e-cigarettes will be banned to those <18 years old. In addition, warning labels will be required on all packages and all products are now subject to government approval.
This is an outstanding and provocative editorial comment concerning treatment costs of lung cancer based on an article published in the last issue of the European Respiratory Journal. It reveals discrepancies in access to new therapies based on therapeutic targets due to molecular testing and treatment costs.
In this multicenter study, baseline QOL was assessed in over 200 patients with stage II or III esophageal cancer who underwent induction therapy and surgery or definitive chemoradiotherapy. Baseline QOL was related to survival independent of age, stage, histologic type, and treatment. It is suggested that assessment of baseline QOL is a prognostic tool that can be used in shared decision making.
The authors measured serum amino-terminal procollagen III (PIII) as a marker of myocardial fibrogenesis in patients undergoing the Fontan procedure for single ventricle circulation and in controls. Patients with single venticle circulation had elevated PIII levels compared to controls. Staged Fontan elements successively reduced PIII levels. The levels of volume load and cyanosis were related to PIII levels. Persisently elevated PIII levels were related to venticular stiffening. PIII may be a useful marker of disease state and could indicate a therpeutic target.
This article summarizes the current status of robotic approaches to mitral valve repair. The technique is suitable to all types of degenerative mitral valve disease, and the outcomes are similar to those for open repair.
The author summarizes the challenges but tremendous potential of mechanical circulatory support for infants and children undergoing heart surgery.
This article examined the impact of gait speed, as a marker of frailty, on surgical outcomes in a group of 167 cardiac patients aged 65 years or older. The authors concluded that there was no relation between gait speed and outcome.
A hospital has agreed to pay a $2.2 million penalty for permitting the video-taping of two patients who did not consent to the filming. U.S. Federal regulators have also used the opportunity to clarify stipulations governing the filming of patients.