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Journal and News Scan
The timing and dosage of preoperative ASA administration was evaluated with regard to CABG outcomes in a series of 3018 pts. Dosing within 24 hrs of surgery was associated with a 50% lower mortality rate and an 81mg dose was associated with a 50% or greater reduction in mortality compared to a 325mg dose or no ASA.
A prospective evaluation of patients suffering minor thoracic injuries was performed to assess functional impact at 90 days. One-third had at least 1 rib fracture and 12% had a delayed hemothorax. 23% had severe or moderate disabilities at 90 days, which was more common among those with more severe injuries. Outcomes were unrelated to age.
A French multicenter database was used to assess the relationship between severe anastomotic leak on outcomes after esophagectomy. Among 2439 pts, 8.5% developed a severe leak. This was associated with lower median overall survival (36 mos vs 55 mos) and disease-free survival (34 mos vs 48 mos), a 28% increased likelihood of death, and a significant increase in recurrence.
Bob Cerfolio in full flow and at his best talking about robotic lobectomy
Surgeons are required every day to puncture human skin before procedures — with the risk of damaging what's on the other side. In a fascinating talk, find out how mechanical engineer Nikolai Begg is using physics to update an important medical device, called the trocar, and improve one of the most dangerous moments in many common surgeries.
You just have to watch this !!
This is a very intersting case review in which the authors describe a successful heart transplant from a 37 year old donor on VV ECMO to a 62 year old female recipeint. The authors postulate that this successful outcome may expand the available donor pool for heart transplantation.
The investigators report a novel technology to predict VAD thrombosis. This approach records and measures acustic signature characteristics. Using annalysis of spectral tracings the investigators suggest their exists an acoustic patern associated with thrombosis.
Anomalous origins of coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery are rare malformations in which the coronary arteries originate from pulmonary artery sinuses or branches. The consequences are variable although, in most cases, these anomalies lead to severe coronary hypoperfusion and ventricular dysfunction. Surgical correction is indicated once the diagnosis is established. In nearly all cases, the anomalous artery can be excised from its pulmonary origin, mobilized, and reimplanted directly into the ascending aorta using different surgical techniques. In rare circumstances, technical modifications must be used to restore a normal dual coronary perfusion.
Doctors in the U.S. are committing suicide at an alarming rate. This article focuses on the suicide of a 29-year-old oncology fellow, and examines the role a physicians health program (PHP) may have played in his death.