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Journal and News Scan

Source: MedPage Today
Author(s): Sharon Begley

Targeting specific genetic changes in cancer cells offers patients personalized therapy for their tumors.  The number of identified abnormalities is rapidly increasing, and determining whether they represent driver mutations or background noise is increasingly difficult.  The IBM Watson supercomputer will be used by 10 US cancer centers to identify actionable targets and match them to existing therapies.

Source: PLOS ONE
Author(s): Johan Nilsson, Mattias Ohlsson, Peter Höglund, Björn Ekmehag, Bansi Koul, Bodil Andersson

In this paper, Nilsson et al present the first international survival prediction model for heart-transplanted patients.  The findings from this study show that a flexible non-linear artificial neural network model can be used to predict both short- and longterm mortality with higher accuracy. Furthermore, the results indicate that a survival prediction based organ sharing system may allocate more organs compared with a criterion-based system.

Source: University College London
Author(s): Ed Collins, Tom Page, Kirthi Muralikrishnan

Check out this great website, where a group of students in London took on a project to try to develop a depth sensing endoscope which will tell you how close your instruments are to tissues in the Thoracic cavity ( Much like a parking sensor in a car) 

A glimpse of the future ? 


Let these students know what you think 


Of Note if you have any other projects that you think  computer scientists can do at UCL, just let us know. They will do it for free !!!

CTSNet editors 

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): David Burkholder, Duraid Hadi, Rangesh Kunnavakkam, Hedy Kindler, Kristy Todd, Amy Durkin Celauro, Wickii T. Vigneswaran

This prospective study evaluated QOL and lung function after extended pleurectomy/decortication (EPD) for mesothelioma in 36 patients.  Patients with performance status (PS) 0 experienced little or no improvement in QOL but did have a significant decrease in lung function (FVC, FEV1, TLC, DLCO).  Patients with PS 1-2 experienced improved QOL and no important change in lung function.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Victor J.H. Liu, Matthew S. Yong, Yves d’Udekem, Robert G. Weintraub, Slavica Praporski, Christian P. Brizard, Igor E. Konstantinov

Results of AV valve surgery in patients with Fontan circulation were evaluated over a 23 year period.  54 (9.3%) of patients requird AV valve surgery, mostly prior to the Fontan operation.    90% of patients were free from death or transplantation at 5 years; this fell to 81% at 10 years.  Nearly 45% required AV valve reoperation.  The rate of persistent AV valve regurgitation was 26% at 5 years and 33% at 10 years.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Se Jin Oh, Eun-Ah Park, Whal Lee, Ho Young Hwang, Ki-Bong Kim

Patients with LV dysfunction who underwent complete surgical revascularization were evaluated with angiograms, echo, and MR (evaluating late vascular enhancement with contrast).  About 70% of dysfunctional segments segments demonstrated improved wall motion after revascularization, and this was unrelated to the degree of late vascular enhancement evident preoperatively.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Prashanth Vallabhajosyula, Arminder S. Jassar, Rohan S. Menon, Caroline Komlo, Jacob Gutsche, Nimesh D. Desai, W. Clark Hargrove, Joseph E. Bavaria, Wilson Y. Szeto

Results of moderate hypothermic arrest and antegrade cerebral perfusion (MHCA group) were compared with deep hypothermic arrest and retrograde cerebral perfusion (DHCA) for management of hemiarch reconstruction using single institution data.  The MHCA group was older and more often affected by atherosclerotic aneurysm.  MHCA was associated with shorter CPB times and aortic crossclamp times and with less need for transfusion.  Acute outcomes were similar between the groups.

Source: Microlobectomy
Author(s): Joel Dunning

You have heard of 4 port, 3 port,  2 port and now uniportal VATS lobectomy. You may have tried Robotic lobectomy. You may also have heard of subxiphoid only or TEMLA only lobectomy. 

Well here is another approach for your collection ! However for me it has the advantages of minimal learning curve for VATS lobectomists, and smaller incisions than uniportal vats in the intercostal spaces, and of course a new gadget or two to try which has to be a good thing !! 

Anyway it is not for me to say what I like about it, it is for you to tell me what you think. 

Source: Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg
Author(s): Alessandro Desole, Francesco Campanile, Federico Tosato, and Domenico Milite

The authors report on excellent results of surgical revascularisation of pseudo-occluded carotid arteries. 

Source: Eur J Cardiothorac Surg
Author(s): Merja Kallio, Jaana Pihkala, Heikki Sairanen, and Ilkka Mattila

Over a time of 25 years, 51 patients underwent the Ross and 14 the Ross-Konno procedure. Rates of freedom from right ventricular outflow tract intervention was 59% and from autograft intervention was 81% at 15 years. About half of the patients had mild-to-moderate aortic root dilatation.
