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Journal and News Scan

Source: JACC Heart Failure
Author(s): Peter Carson; John Wertheimer; Alan Miller; Christopher M. O'Connor; Ileana L. Pina; Craig Selzman; Carla Sueta; Lilin She; Deborah Greene; Kerry L. Lee; Robert H. Jones; Eric J. Velazquez

The STICH trial compares medical therapy to medical therapy + CABG for ischemic cardiomyopathy.  In this study of over 1,200 there were 462 deaths during a median f/u period of nearly 5 years.  CABG reduced the risk of sudden death and death due to pump failure; overall cardiovascular death was reduced by CABG but not significantly (p=0.09).  There was a substantial early increase in mortality in pts undergoing CABG; the protective effects of CABG were evident primarily after 2 years.

Source: JAMA Internal Medicine
Author(s): Thanh N. Huynh; Eric C. Kleerup; Joshua F. Wiley; Terrance D. Savitsky; Diana Guse; Bryan J. Garber; Neil S. Wenger

After developing a definition of futile care, intensivists were surveyed in 5 ICUs for a period of 3 months, during which 1136 pts were treated.  19% of patients were perceived as receiving futile or probably futile care.  Of those receiving what was perceived as futile care, the 6 month mortality rate was 85%, and the cost of treatment was $2.6 million. 

Source: Thorax
Author(s): Pierre-Olivier Bridevaux, J-D Aubert, P M Soccal, J Mazza-Stalder, C Berutto, T Rochat, L Turin, S Van Belle, L Nicod, P Meylan, G Wagner, Laurent Kaiser

This prospective study tracked viral infections and their outcomes in lung transplant patients 2008-2011 in a single institution.  Respiratory viruses were identified in 174 of 903 encounters, 34 via BAL.  Viral infection rates were 14% for non-emergency visits and 34% for emergency visits.  Most viral infections were associated with symptoms and with transient lung function loss.

Source: JAMA Surgery
Author(s): Faisal G. Bakaeen; Rosemary F. Kelly; Danny Chu; Michael E. Jessen; Herbert B. Ward; William L. Holman

This retrospective study from the US Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program evaluated the use of off-pump bypass over time for primary isolated CABG.  Peak use in 2003 was 24%, which then decreased and stabilized at 19%.  Conversion rates steadily declined to a stable rate of under 3.5%.  Mortality for on-pump and off-pump CABG has remained below 2% since 2006. 

Source: Liverpool Cardiothoracic Centre
Author(s): Paul Modi

See a professionally filmed documentary on Paul modi and his patient undergoing port access mitral valve surgery.

Ken Williams came to him as he could manage only 12 holes prior to surgery because he got SOB.

He managed 18 holes when he caddied at 2 weeks post op.

Might be a very good resource for patients thinking about this operation

Source: Clinical Therapeutics,
Author(s): Kang S et al.

Effects of aggressive statin therapy on patients with coronary saphenous vein bypass grafts: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials – The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and safety of aggressive statin versus moderate statin therapy on patients with saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) in randomized, controlled trials (RCTs). Compared with moderate statin therapy, long–term aggressive statin lowered the LDL–C level significantly, further decreased the atherosclerotic progression of SVG, reduced the risks of repeated myocardial infarction and coronary revascularization after CABG, and revealed similar patient compliance and statin–related adverse effects but slightly increased myopathy events and aminotransferase levels. Methods The authors searched MEDLINE (1980–June 2012), the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, EMBASE, Science Citation Index, and PubMed (to June 2012), and found 10 relevant RCTs, including 7 substudy analyses from a Post-CABG trial, and 1 pooled analysis of the PROVE-IT TIMI 22 trial (Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 Investigators) and A to Z trial. Early intensive vs a delayed conservative simvastatin strategy in patients with acute coronary syndromes; phase Z of the A to Z trial. Results A total of 6645 of participants, ages ranging from 21 to 75 years old, were treated with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and were followed for 2 to 5 years. Eight studies showed that aggressive statin therapy had lower LDL-C levels and a decrease of 39% in graft atherosclerotic progression, 12% in new occlusions, and 19% in new lesions more than moderate statin therapy. Three reports indicated that aggressive statin therapy lowered the risk of repeated myocardial infarction more than moderate statin therapy for coronary revascularization (95% CI, 0.66–0.95; risk ratio [RR] = 0.80; and 95% CI, 0.66–0.85; RR = 0.75) and lowered the risk of cardiac death as well (95% CI, 0.64–1.08; RR = 0.83). Aggressive statin therapy had safety similar to that of moderate statin therapy except for a slight increase in myopathic events and aminotransferase levels. Seventy percent to 90% of patients took statin treatment as prescribed in long-term.

Source: British Medical Journal
Author(s): Hans Van Brabandt,

Catheter ablation is an increasingly used treatment for atrial fibrillation but Hans Van Brabandt, Mattias Neyt, and Carl Devos argue that enthusiasm for the procedure is not justified by the evidence on efficacy and cost effectiveness and its use should be strictly limited

Source: European Heart Journal
Author(s): Petr Budera

Budera P et al. – Surgical ablation improves the likelihood of SR presence post–operatively without increasing peri–operative complications. However, the higher prevalence of sinus rhythm (SR) did not translate to improved clinical outcomes at 1 year.

Source: Daily Echo
Author(s): Melanie Adams

HE was one of the greatest heart surgeons of his generation.

That is how James Monro will be remembered by friends, colleagues and the many thousands of Southampton patients whose lives he saved during his long and prestigious career.

The 73-year-old retired cardiac surgeon has sadly passed away but his legacy is long-lasting having influenced the treatment of heart disease for adults and children throughout the world.

From being at the forefront of medical advances, pioneering many techniques in congenital heart surgery, to playing an instrumental role in transforming Southampton’s cardiac unit into the world-leading facility it is today – Mr Monro always had a passion for his patients and a drive for excellence.

Recruited in Southampton in 1973 by his late colleague Sir Keith Ross, Jim, as he was known to his friends, was a member of a team consisting of one cardiac surgeon and two cardiologists. Over the next 30 years he oversaw the unit’s move from the former Western Hospital to Southampton General in 1983, operating on more than 10,000 adults and 2,000 children. He played a pivotal role in seeing the city’s cardiac unit become a world-leading centre, which went from performing 400 operations a year in 1975 to nearly 2,000 now.

Respected both on the national and international cardiac stage, he pioneered corrective cardiac surgery on small babies and was a role model and mentor to many of today’s top surgeons.

His expertise saw him become the President of the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in the UK and also President of the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Paying tribute to the dad-of-three, who died at the end of last week after a long battle with cancer, colleague and friend consultant cardiologist Iain Simpson, who is President of the British Cardiovascular Society, said: “Jim was one of the greatest heart surgeons of his generation, passionate about the pursuit of excellence and the care of his patients.

Gentleman “He influenced the treatment of heart disease for adults and children throughout the world as a clinical leader, influential teacher and dedicated surgeon of extraordinary talent.

“Jim was a true gentleman, a wonderful colleague as well as one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. His loss will be met by great sadness by all his friends and colleagues across the globe and the thoughts of the whole cardiovascular community are with Jane and his family at this sad time.”

Dr Tony Salmon, consultant congenital cardiologist, who worked with Mr Monro for 14 years in Southampton, added: “When he came to Southampton having worked in New Zealand’s Greenlane Hospital he took cardiac surgery to another level. He was a gentleman who was totally committed to his patients and their families and he was well respected both nationally and internationally.”

Charity was also a great passion for Mr Monro and he played a vital role in the establishment of Wessex Heartbeat in 1992 with colleague Rob Lamb, for which he was a trustee until last year, having also been chairman.

His expertise and dedication to providing the best patient care saw him play an integral part in the charity securing grants, including one that was crucial to the £1.2m refurbishment of the world-renowned children’s heart unit, Ocean Ward.

Even after his retirement in 2004, aged 65, his links with the city’s cardiac work remained strong, with him joining the fight to save children’s heart surgery in Southampton when it faced the axe.

Alison Farrell, chief executive of Wessex Heartbeat, said: “We had at our helm a man who had been at the forefront of medical advances in the field of cardiac surgery and by all accounts was a brilliant surgeon. His legacy is long-lasting.

“We had all hoped his retirement could have been so much longer and we offer our very sincere condolences to Jane and his family.”

Source: New England Journal of Medicine
Author(s): Daniel S. Menees, Eric D. Peterson, Yongfei Wang, Jeptha P. Curtis, John C. Messenger, John S. Rumsfeld, and Hitinder S. Gurm

Hospitals participating in the CathPCI Registry were tracked for performance and outcomes for door-to-balloon times in patients undergoing PCI for acute STEMI.  There were nearly 97,000 admissions for PCI for acute STEMI 2005-2009.  Mean door-to-balloon time decreased from 83 to 67 minutes.  The percent of patients meeting the threshold of 90 min door-to-balloon time increased from 60% to 83%.  Mortality was not affected by these changes. 
