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Attend the 32nd EACTS Annual Meeting on October 18-20, 2018, in Milan, Italy
The EACTS Annual Meeting has changed to a new three-day meeting format, but will continue providing the same high-quality and comprehensive program as previous years. The Annual Meeting will offer a mixture of Techno-College, focus, and abstract sessions across all domains.
Techno-College sessions will run for three hours daily, with live case transmissions, live-in-a-box cases, and keynote presentations. The session on Saturday will showcase the New Technology Award, where finalists will pitch their ideas to the audience and to a "Lion's Den" panel, consisting of a surgeon, a cardiologist, a company CEO, and a venture capitalist. The audience, together with the experienced panel, will decide the winner.
Improve your hands-on skills at the new EACTS training suite. This training suite is the hub of good teaching, incorporating different educational formats that will provide a unique opportunity for skill enhancement. Participants can learn, ask questions, and perform techniques themselves in atrial fibrillation, aortic root repair techniques, mitral valve repair, and coronary surgery.
There are over 160 sessions to choose from, with ample opportunity to update your knowledge and to learn the latest techniques from world renowned leaders in all specialties.
The EACTS Annual Meeting is the largest cardiothoracic meeting in the world and provides an excellent chance to network with your peers. The full programme is available at:
In addition to the scientific programme, the exhibition will feature over 100 companies presenting the very latest in cardiac, thoracic, and vascular therapies, technologies, and related services. Industry partners will also offer Satellite Symposia on Thursday and Saturday. The exhibition will run from Thursday afternoon through Saturday. Visit to see the Exhibitor List.
Register online at: to save time and money.