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New Online Journal CME - October 2018

New Online Journal CME activities are available from The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. October's CME opportunities include heart transplantation in low-weight or ill infants, the results of adding radiotherapy to adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with N2 lung cancer, the benefits of early surgery after degenerative mitral valve repair, and preoperative STOP-BANG scores, postoperative delirium, and coma in thoracic surgery patients.

The Online Journal CME activities in The Annals are free for individual subscribers (including members of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the Southern Thoracic Surgical Association) who have activated their online subscription at CME opportunities from the past 12 months are available on topics in congenital heart surgery, adult cardiac surgery, general thoracic surgery, and cardiothoracic anesthesiology.