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Register Now for the AATS Surgical Patient Safety Course

Cardiothoracic surgery is one of the highest risk surgical specialties, and all members of the surgical team need to be educated on the multidimensional approach to patient safety. The AATS Surgical Patient Safety Course is designed to promote a culture of safety, reduce preventable patient harm, and improve the professional practice of the cardiothoracic surgical team. Cosponsored by the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, and in collaboration with AmSECT, the AORN, and APACVS, the course will provide attendees with essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve patient care, including the ability to:

  • Use a nontechnical skills taxonomy to assess behavior in a simulated video scenario
  • Recognize the challenges and limitations of Human Factors approaches to improving patient safety in cardiothoracic surgical care
  • Identify common causes of and factors associated with medical errors in surgery
  • Develop mechanisms to collate and analyze error causation
  • Implement effective communication tools between and within teams, eg, preoperative briefings, postoperative debriefings, and hand-offs

View the Preliminary Program, and encourage your team members to join you. Register before May 29, 2018 to receive the lowest rates.