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Register Now for the EACTS Aortic Valve Repair Summit 2019

EACTS Aortic Valve Repair Summit

Mark your calendar for the EACTS Aortic Valve Repair Summit, June 20-21, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium. Bringing together the different schools in aortic valve repair, this year’s Summit will focus on bicuspid aortic valve disease, covering assessment and imaging, techniques and alternatives, and patient outcomes. The aim is to integrate state-of-the-art into daily practice and to challenge current knowledge through high-level scientific debates on the main topics of aortic valve repair. The program will also discuss and illustrate techniques of repair from the different schools to bring you two excellent days of intellectual challenges and fruitful debate.

Just over a month to go! Visit the website to register and view the detailed program.


Additional Offerings From the EACTS Academy in 2019

Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery, June 27-28 in Frankfurt, Germany: Registration is Open

Focusing on the technical aspects of minimally invasive surgery, the course will provide an insight into the latest techniques and procedures. The two days will be dedicated to four specific subjects emphasizing the success of the teamwork approach. Surgeons, cardiologists, perfusionists, and anesthesiologists will demonstrate the latest technical aspects of these new procedures through live surgery transmissions, keynote presentations, and live-in-a-box video cases.

Visit the website for more information and to register.


4th EACTS Mechanical Circulatory Support Summit, November 7-9 in Prague, Czech Republic: Registration Opening Soon

Featuring interactive lectures, live-in-a-box cases, and keynote presentations, this year’s Summit will appeal to cardiologists, heart failure cardiologists, emergency and intensive care unit specialists, cardiac surgeons, perfusionists, heart failure nurses and ventricular assist device coordinators, pediatric cardiologists, and congenital heart disease surgeons.

Registration is opening soon! Visit the website for further details and to register your interest.


The STS/EACTS Latin America Cardiovascular Surgery Conference: Abstract Submissions Now Open

Concentrating on the multidisciplinary approach to coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, thoracic aortic disease, atrial fibrillation, and the surgical management of heart failure, the Conference will also include additional tracks covering congenital heart disease, research, database, leadership, and fellowships. New for 2019 is the introduction of wetlab and simulator training sessions on Sunday, November 24, 2019, where participants will be able to take advantage of in-depth training in small supervised groups.

Submit your abstract now!

Registration is opening soon! Visit the website for further information.