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President's Series With Husam Balkhy | ISMICS President

Friday, February 14, 2025

Balkhy H. President's Series With Husam Balkhy | ISMICS President. February 2025. doi:10.25373/ctsnet.28419599

CTSNet is proud to present a video series curated by Husam Balkhy, MD, President of The International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISMICS).  

In this series, Dr. Balkhy presents totally endoscopic cardiac surgery procedures from the University of Chicago, covering topics including coronary bypass, mitral valve repair, adult congenital, arrythmia, aortic valve surgeries, and more. This important series highlighting minimally invasive robotic cardiac surgeries leads up to the ISMSICS 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. 

Dr. Balkhy is Professor of Surgery and the Director of Robotic and Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery at University of Chicago Medicine. He is one of only a few surgeons worldwide with extensive experience performing totally endoscopic beating heart coronary bypass grafting (TECAB). He is a pioneer in robotic cardiac surgery specializing in the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart valve disorders, atrial fibrillation, and other cardiac diseases. 

Series Videos 

1.) Robotic Totally Endoscopic Beating Heart Unroofing of a Left Anterior Descending Artery Myocardial Bridge

2.) Robotic Totally Endoscopic Cryo-Maze Ablation Under Ventricular Fibrillatory Arrest 

3.) Robotic-Assisted Atrial Septal Defect Closure Via the Left Atrium: Dual Case Reports 

4.) Robotic Beating-Heart Totally Endoscopic Coronary Bypass (TECAB): LIMA to LAD


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