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University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center/University of Texas Medical School at Houston Program
Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
1400 Pressler, FCT19.6000
Houston, TX 77030
Judy Corke, Program Coordinator
Ara A. Vaporciyan, MD
Program Director
Chief of Thoracic Division
Hazim Safi, MD
Chief of Cardiac Division
William Douglas, MD
Chief of Congenital Division
Program Information
- Traditional training program
- Separate adult cardiac and general thoracic tracks
- Two residents accepted per year
Additional Curriculum Information
The training program is a two-year curriculum with two training tracks, general thoracic surgery and cardiothoracic surgery.
We are currently approved to train one individual in each track per year.The Thoracic Surgery Fellowship Program provides a diverse operative experience for residents that meet the requirements for the Residency Review Committee for Thoracic Surgery and the American Board of Thoracic Surgery(ABTS). The curriculum includes both clinical teaching (in the operating room, on the wards, and in the outpatient clinic) as well as classroom teaching (lectures, small group discussions, and simulation). In addition, we liberally allow trainees to engage in courses offered by industry, our professional societies, and other institutions when the goals and objectives of those courses supplement our curriculum.
The goals and objectives for our curriculum are based on the ACGME milestones supplemented by additional goals that are identified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. All of these objectives are based on the 6 core competencies required by the ACGME (Patient Care and Technical Skills, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, and System-Based Practice). Our rotation structure and classroom teaching as well as additional conferences and external courses are all organized in an effort to allow the trainees to achieve all the objectives outlined in these documents.
Unique Program Components
Other teaching activities include more work based conferences like cath conferences, multidisciplinary tumor conferences and our monthly journal club that is organized and run with the help of our librarians. The cath and tumor boards are more working conferences and are not directly for teaching but are valuable resources. Additional short rotations in interventional pulmonary, radiation oncology, medical oncology, and interventional radiology are all available and offered based on the needs of individual trainees. Finally, we have organized away rotations at University of Toronto or Washington University to meet other specific needs.
Assessments include standard in training exams but also use direct observations (twice weekly) and monthly evaluations by allied health care workers (advanced practice nurses on our service, floor nurses, OR nurses, and faculty). In addition we have twice yearly mock oral examinations that are also used for assessments and monthly walk rounds for more Socratic teaching and assessment.
All ACGME requirements regarding on-call duties are adopted. At-home call is monitored both to record duty hours and for signs of abuse that would lead to diminished quality of care. The majority of call is home-call.
Fellows in the program will be provided with the following amenities:
- Laptop computer provided during the two years
- Statistical support within the department
- Database within the department
- Funded trip to the Doty course
- Funded trip for presentation at any national meetings
- Funded trip to a national meeting, STS, in the second year