The Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery was founded in 1969, initially as a Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC), in São Paulo, with the objective of congregating specialists in Cardiovascular Surgery and to improve the scientific study. The Prof. Euyclides of Jesus Zerbini and Prof. Adib D. Jatene, were the key pieces for the creation of this process.
In December 1984, before being a Department, it was transformed into a Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, at the first moment in facilities at the Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology (IDPC) in São Paulo. In 1995, the SBCCV inaugurated its own headquarters.
Today, the SBCCV is made up of approximately 900 (members) cardiovascular surgeons, including Titular, Specialists, Associates and Aspirants. Its National Headquarters is located in São Paulo, it has seven Regionals in the main capitals of Brazil and six Scientific Departments.
CTSNet Organization Type:
CTSNet Participating Organizations
Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 - Vila Mariana
São Paulo
See map: Google Maps
+55 11 3849-0341