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March 27, 2018
A succinct balanced editorial advancing, amongst other things, the position for initial nonintervention for submassive pulmonary embolism.
February 17, 2018
A balanced comment on the occasion of the latest retrospective nonrandomised Coselli report on redo thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAAs).
March 29, 2017
A succinct editorial advancing the case for aortic super-centres
August 23, 2016
This video shows how cone beam CT scanning can be utilized in the operating room for planning needle access for a variety of vascular targets.
July 25, 2016
This video demonstrates a case of percutaneous embolization and TCD monitoring for a carotid tumor.
June 20, 2016
In this video, the authors demonstrate how a robotic catheter can be used to steer a snare in order to capture a tilted IVC filter.
March 2, 2015
Open repair is the standard for aneurysmal degeneration of the arch. Endovascular techniques offer an alternative for patients with prohibitive comorbidities. This video describes a complete endovascular arch reconstruction using a modified stent graft approach, combined with cervical debranching.
September 16, 2014
This retrospective review summarizes a single institution experience with thoracic aortic endovascular stenting in 420 pts over 20 years.  Indications were aneurysm (238), dissection (100) and trauma (39).  78% of pts were deemed to be at high risk for open repair.  Mortality was 4.8%, stroke incidence was 5%, and cord ischemia was temporary in 7.9%
September 2, 2014
This video demonstrates an endovascular aortic repair for a penetrating aortic ulcer.
August 14, 2014
This double-blind placebo-controlled trial involved 153 pts undergoing elective endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, of whom half received methylprednisolone preoperatively.  The intervention reduced the systemic inflammatory response from 92% to 27%, plasma IL-6 was decreased by 90%, and CRP, body temperature, IL-8, and TNF were also reduced.  MMP-9
