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September 1, 2020
This is a comprehensive review on iatrogenic aortic dissection occurring intraoperatively,and within one month after cardiac surgery, covering the incidence, discovery, pathology, detection modalities, management, risk factors, and prevention of this rare but life-threatening complication.
August 20, 2020
This succinct article reviews the contemporary literature regarding sex differences in thoracic aortic disease including the epidemiology, biology, natural history, surgical management and outcomes.
July 31, 2020
Aneurysmal ascending aortas were collected from elective aortic surgery, and normal aortas from transplant donors, and dissected aortas from surgery for aortic dissection. These aortas underwent delamination testing in simulation of aortic dissection.
June 22, 2020
Over the years, frozen elephant trunk (FET) has become the treatment of choice for multisegmental thoracic aortic disease.
February 20, 2020
The authors revisit the older, somewhat misinterpreted hypothesis of cocoa and vasodilation. The title may again be misinterpreted by the general media as an encouragement to gorge on HIGH CALORIE, HIGH FAT nutrients
January 29, 2020
In this consensus statement, a new anatomic classfication system is proposed for thoracic aortic dissections.  The acuity of aortic dissection and complicated vs uncomplicated dissections are clearly defined.  Risk factors, presentations, management, and complications are expounded.  Follow-up criteria are also discussed with nomenclature for false l
January 14, 2020
Capoccia and Maybauer performed a system review of 29 publications related to the use of ECMO in aortic surgery and aortic dissection. A total of 194 patients who had been treated with ECMO support were identified, with a survival rate of 39.7% (77/194).
December 31, 2019
This is an updated list of genes associated with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. Dr Elefteriades and associates published the first version in 2017 and made an update in 2018. During the last year, six new genes were reported to be associated with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection.
December 11, 2019
On December 9, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) published updated recommendations on the screening of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) based on patient's gender, age, history of smoking, and family history of AAA for symptomatic adults:
December 8, 2019
Abe and associates reported the trends in the early outcomes of surgical repair for acute type A aortic dissection in 11,843 patients from the Japan Cardiovascular Surgery Database between 2008 and 2015. Operative mortality was 9.5% and 30-day mortality was 7.6%. The number of surgically treated cases increased by 45% during the interval.
