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Aortic Aneurysm

October 31, 2021
In this large series, Dr.
October 8, 2021
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine cause-specific mortality in TBAD and to evaluate the clinical characteristics associated with aorta-related and non aorta-related mortality.
September 27, 2021
A small meta-analysis suggesting a bemefit of vascular ultrasound for access to the groin vessels in TAVI. The utility of ultrasonography may be extended in access for groin cannulation in aortovascular surgery and ECMO 
September 24, 2021
A comprehensive update on the evidence on the management of acute aortic syndromes, including IMH. Of particular interest is the robust recommendation to bypass non-dedicated aortic centers even to the expense of increased transit time in order to offer management in a Comprehensive Aortic Center (CAC).
September 14, 2021
Based on data of 4203 patients with acute type A dissection in the UK National Adult Cardiac Surgical Audit, Benedetto and associates have identified the following risk factors for operative mortality: age (odds ratio, OR, 1.02), malperfusion (OR 1.79), left ventricular ejection fraction (moderate: OR 1.40; poor: OR 2.83), prior cardiac surgery (OR 2
September 13, 2021
A brief but dense editorial included in a compedium on cardioplegia. The last sentence summarises what many colleagues would think on the matter of single-shot plegia for root surgery.    
September 12, 2021
The Yale database of 1162 patients with ascending aortic aneurysms was queried.  Analysis suggested root dilatation was more significant in predicting adverse events than mid -ascending aortic dilatation, with short stature as a serious risk factor.  Hinge points at 5.0 and 5.25 cm respectively were identified.  The authors suggest these paramenters
July 22, 2021
On July 22, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery published this consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and Its aortopathy.  
July 9, 2021
This registry, involving multiple centers, aims to provide conclusive results reflecting the importance of critical preoperative conditions and different treatment strategies to reduce the risk of early adverse events after surgery for acute TAAD.
July 3, 2021
Based on data of patients with acute aortic dissection in a hospital of Nobeoka City from 2016-2018, Yamaguchi and associates found the incidence of acute aortic dissection was 17.6 per 100,000 (11.3 for type A, 6.2 for type B).  This incidence is 4 times higher than reported in the 
