A 44 year old female presented with a complaint of increasing swelling in her head and upper chest over the last year. She reported increasing shortness of breath and a drowning sensation when in the supine position. Her face becomes red and tight with minimal exertion. The past medical history is significant for hypogammaglobulinemia related to...
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September 3, 2008
July 1, 2008
Patient SelectionThe initial selection is performed by the spine surgeon for typical indications of spine stabilization, resection of tumor, drainage of an abscess, and re-operation for complications of previous spine surgery [1
June 15, 2008
Various diathermy techniques have been proposed to reduce intraoperative blood loss in surgery. In particular, standard bipolar technology is able to coagulate small vessels, with a diameter ranging from 1 mm to 3 mm, but it has some disadvantages, including sticking, charring, and significant thermal spread [1,2].
April 16, 2006
Emphysema affects an estimated 60 million people worldwide. It is a disease associated with significant morbidity in the form of dyspnea and exercise limitation and mortality. The pathology behind this is the destruction of pulmonary parenchyma, both alveolar walls and interstitial tissue.