An editorial from an influential source discussing the recent robust results of the CASTLE-AF RCT trial. It is likely that interventions for atrial fibrillation will be boosted by these results, in terms of insurance, industry, and clinical guideline support.
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February 2, 2018
A brief note on the feasibility (or not) of RCT on surgery for mitral fibroelastic prolapse.
January 26, 2018
Patient Care
A CABG operation performed at the Uganda Heart Institute at Mulago National Referral Hospital was done by an all-Ugandan surgical team for the first time.
January 25, 2018
A large follow-up study comparing repair and replacement results and trends. Of particular interest to the UK and European readership is the page 113 discussion on the center of mitral excellence principle.
January 24, 2018
A well executed study on an important problem in cardiac surgery that merits careful reading, as no one-sentence conclusion can be adequately gleaned.
January 17, 2018
The new EACTS Guidelines on perioperative medication in adult cardiac surgery address antithrombotic management, atrial fibrillation, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors, beta-blockers, dyslipidaemia, ulcer prevention and steroids, antibiotic prophylaxis, anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia, and blood glucose management.
January 12, 2018
Patient Care
January 8, 2018
A very brief editorial on frailty as a risk factor. In the time of weighing transcatheter interventions versus variable access surgical options, quantifying this physiological concept is of major importance for the cardiac teams and, importantly, the autonomy of the patient.
January 8, 2018
A refreshing brief editorial comment on hydrohemodynamics on the occasion of critiquing a manuscript on related echocardiographic computations in neonates. The focus is on the Laplacean principles of compliance/elastance applied to the left ventricle.
January 5, 2018
A handy free, short, good quality video on an open valve-in valve procedure.