Many of the adverse events that occur in hospitals are a result of human error. The authors describe a system for use in the OR that collects and collates intraoperative data feeds, including patient and OR team physiological parameters, audiovisual content, and environmental factors. The data are analyzed to assist in proactive assessment of risks
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August 17, 2017
This editorial outlines the changing legal landscape for device manufacturers. The authors discuss a recent legal judgment against Intuitive (da Vinci robot) that found the company failed to notify a hospital regarding a new robot user, indicating that Intuitive held responsibility for ensuring safe implementation of their systems in clinical settin
July 27, 2017
Joel Dunning talks to former STS President Joseph Bavaria at the Society's 2017 Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas.
July 22, 2017
A Letter to the Editor of Lung Cancer that was kindly brought to our attention while still 'in press.' Our readership may find in it 'food for thought' on all matters of healthcare policies and economics, especially on maintaining morale ('reshaping prevailing nihilistic attitudes') and efficient resupply and recycling of semi-disposable surgical de
July 12, 2017
In a discussion filmed at the 2017 STS Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, a panel of current cardiothoracic surgery residents share their tips and tricks for thriving during residency and fellowship.
July 5, 2017
Dr. Antonoff is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, where she specializes in thoracic surgical oncology.
June 9, 2017
In an interview filmed at the 2016 EACTS Annual Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, CTSNet Associate Editor for Allied Health and clinical nurse specialist, Jill Ley, shares her thoughts on how cardiothoracic surgery nurses at all stages of their careers can become more involved in the profession and improve patient outcomes.
May 22, 2017
A surprisingly readable Australasian manuscript on risk prediction models for cardiac surgery. Interesting that the class of dyspnoea was not captured in 5.28% of the operated patients.
May 11, 2017
I was moved by this editorial on global health matters in a daily British newspaper by an academic medical colleague, written in response to anticipated changes in the leadership of the World Health Organisation. It is perhaps time for us surgeons to augment our administrative participation in global healthcare.
April 28, 2017
CTSNet is excited to announce that “McKeown Esophagectomy” by Caitlin Harrington has won first place in the 2016 Resident Video Competition.