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August 14, 2019
Filmed at the Heart Valve Society Annual Meeting 2019 in Sitges, Spain, Sir Magdi Yacoub and Patrick Serruys discuss the future of tissue engineered valves.
August 13, 2019
This video describes a systematic approach to mitral valve repair, highlighting five techniques that are utilized at the Cleveland Clinic to repair the vast majority of degenerative mitral valve cases.
August 12, 2019
This video demonstrates a Zenker's diverticulectomy with cricopharyngeal myotomy.
August 8, 2019
Sridhar Rathinam of Glenfield Hospital in Leicester, United Kingdom, discusses surgical approaches for pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors.
August 7, 2019
Three pioneers of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery discuss why its principles can and should apply to every patient admitted for surgical treatment.
August 6, 2019
This video demonstrates a transapical off-pump mitral valve repair case.
August 6, 2019
The authors present a modified no-touch technique of the saphenous vein harvesting in an off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery.
August 5, 2019
This video demonstrates the drainage of a postesophagectomy subcarinal collection via mediastinoscopy for a patient in whom percutaneous drainage was unsuccessful.
August 1, 2019
Filmed at the 2019 STS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, Mara Antonoff of the MD Anderson Cancer Center moderates a discussion on how immunotherapy is changing the landscape of surgical lung cancer care.
July 31, 2019
The right lateral access for minimally invasive aortic valve surgery is a superior concept, leaving the sternum and ribs untouched and allowing an unbeatable cosmetic result.