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This video demonstrates a successful Ross procedure with hemiarch replacement using the wrapped pulmonary autograft technique.
July 15, 2019
This video demonstrates a right upper lobectomy enhanced by thoracic LigaSure and Medtronic Signia.
July 11, 2019
Filmed at the 2019 STS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, Mara Antonoff of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center moderates a discussion on building a practice early in one's career.
July 10, 2019
This video demonstrates a lingula-sparing microlobectomy performed for primary pulmonary malignancy.
July 9, 2019
This video shows the technical challenges of explanting a valve-in-ring mitral valve.
July 8, 2019
This video demonstrates the common pitfalls of robot-assisted esophagectomy and presents tips and techniques to performing the Ivor Lewis and McKeown procedures.
July 8, 2019
The authors provide a step-by-step tutorial about how to perform a proper epiaortic scan.
July 4, 2019
Filmed at the Heart Valve Society Annual Meeting 2019 in Sitges, Spain, Blase Carabello and François Obadia debate the COAPT and the trials.
July 3, 2019
Filmed at the 2019 AATS Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, Daniel Engelman of Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, moderates a discussion on enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) for cardiac surgery guidelines for perioperative care.
July 2, 2019
The author discusses how nontechnical skills and forming a shared mental model for VATS lobectomy teams enhances performance.
July 2, 2019
This video demonstrates an off-pump coronary bypass with total arterial grafts, using the left and right internal mammary arteries.
